God and Allah (Different Names, Same God)

“This is what I believe in. Even if we have different faiths and we call the person we are worshipping different names, I believe that we are worshipping the same person.

I think the reason why there are many names is because of the various cultures that we have. Rather than see the differences between these gods or deities, if we saw the similarities we would have agreement. All of them are worshipped by us, humans. All of them want us to have a better life.

If we just see the similarities rather than differences then we may have the same accord on what we do. And in the end we will live together in harmony. ”  – http://www.endtimeschristianity.com/cgi-bin/webbbs_files/webbbs_config.pl?noframes;read=709

Take away names and definitions and you have the same ideals. We are one. If only we could see ourselves as such. 

I am.

People are afraid of the unknown.

It is why we are all classified and defined by words.

Without these words there seems to be a lack of structure to our lives.

And without naming things people feel out of control.

When we are sick we go to the doctor.

Not to be told we are sick,

Which is the obvious,

But to have a name put on our illness.

Without this name then seemingly there is no cure.

There is no hope without a label in most minds.

But do these labels with which we define ourselves truly help us move forward or hold us back?

I feel it’s the later.

I have been asked to define myself in this blog.

To define my nationality,

My sub-cultures,

My racial background,

And my influences

To make myself fit into a nice neat well wrapped box.

But I won’t.

I bet now in your head you are classifying me as a rebel,

Or someone that wants to fail the class I am making this blog for,

But that isn’t the truth.

I am not a rebel,

Or a liberal,

A feminist,

A bitch,

Or any other label I have ever been given.

I am merely one definitive thing,


Just as you are,

And I am someone that believes that if we rid ourselves of words,

And titles,

And stereotypes based on race,


Sexual orientation,


Or political affiliation

Then we could see and love each other for what we all truly are.

The same.


You may love this blog,

Or you may hate it,

However either way this is how I will define myself.

As an equal to all,

This is me.